A Platonic dialogue
Short story by Claire Pujol
Well, a work of art is... —
Apparently, we do not really know either. Let's think about it now
together. The first word of the phrase is “ work ”. Does anybody have an
idea about the definition of this word ? —
Well, I can say that everybody works. And some works are more
difficult than others. —
It is true, I said. But give me an example so I can really understand
what you mean. —
For instance, working with the hands is less difficult than working
with the mind. —
Oh ! I see, I said. You are an engineer, aren't you ? —
Sure ! —
That means that you work with your mind ? —
Definitely. —
And working with the mind is less difficult than working with the
hands ? —
Yes. That was my statement. —
So if it is less difficult, it means you could easily work with your
hands ? —
I suppose so. —
And the painter works with his hands, doesn't he ? —
Well, true. —
So you could without any problem be a painter ? —
You are confusing me. I will be unable to be a painter. I do not have
the technique it requires. —
Sure, I said. Let us rather have a look at the dictionary. A neutral
definition will get everyone agree, without any confusion... Thank you.
Let's see... Work : “ effort that you make to do something ”. Let's have
also a look at “ art ” so that we can have a complete definition... I
have it. “ Art ” : a human activity which comes to the creation of
works. So, if I put together the two pieces of information, a “ work of
art ” is an effort you make in order to create. But now again, we have
another word to define. Creation : “ God created Universe out of
nothing... Invention, work of imagination. ” So, if I understand, a work
of art is a creation, i.e. a work which has never been done before since a
creation is an invention. Now, we might be able to think of an answer for
your question which was, I remind you : Do not you think the painting I
bought is the best work of art you have ever seen ? —
Unfortunately, I think that now I can answer this question by
myself... —
Maybe our friends did not manage to do it. —
Well, if I look at the painting which is there, I can see geometrical
forms. Everybody knows them, they are no creation. Moreover, anybody can
easily paint them, so it is not even a work. Consequently, this painting is
not a work of art. But, as we are the only one to know it, I can still sell
it and be rich ! —
This is a good way of thinking dear friend, I said. I admire your
optimism as much as your sense of humour. — I definitely agree with your demonstration admirable friend, but still, another question remains. If a work of art is synonymous with creation, then no contemporary painting is a work of art, since they all imitate the one who coined the movement....
Other works by Claire Pujol
Essays drawings short stories
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