
Great gifts, peace brings to mortals

Audio, original Greek text and English translation

An Approach to the Original Singing of ancient Greek lyrical poetry

by Ioannidis Nikolaos  

Ioannidis N. is a composer, musicologist, multi-instrumentalist performer, media theorist, and digital media creative producer (with formal qualifications in Music, Musicology, Media Studies, and Digital Media Studies), who is researching ancient Greek music and its relationship with all musical cultures that have been subject to the classical Greek cultural influence.

Peace bears great gifts for mortals; Wealth,
and the flourishing of sweet melodic music.
On the yellow flames of the decorated altars
bovine and thick-haired lambs' members
are burned for gods,
And youths get engaged
in gyms and arts and reveling.


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This song is included in the CD album: IOANNIDIS NIKOLAOS "THE MUSIC OF ANCIENT GREEKS - Early Epic and Lyrical Poetry"

Click this title to listen to audio samples of all songs and read the original Greek texts and their English translation. Available is also an introduction to this work by the author

Contents of CD Album:

Anacreon:  My lyre sings only songs of love

Simonides:  Danae and Perseus

Alcman:  Bucolic

Simonides:  There is a saying about virtue

Tyrtaeus:  Spartan march

Homer:  Iliad - Sing oh goddess the perilous wrath of Achilles

Archilochos:  Oh soul

Orphic hymn:  In praise of Justice

Sappho:  Ode to Aphrodite

Alcaeus:  Winter

Mimnermos:  Short-lived is treasured youth

Homer: Odyssey - Calypso and Ulysses

Hesiod:   Rough is the road to happiness

Bacchylides:   Great gifts, peace brings to mortals

Solon:   Eunomia

All songs in this album are composed, arranged, performed and produced by Ioannidis Nikolaos 

Research, transcription and translation of ancient Greek texts: Ioannidis Nikolaos

Released in 2002 by Homo Ecumenicus Publishing


MP3 files of all songs are available for downloading at the Ioannidis Mp3 page






A list of all IOANNIDIS' works (musical works, lyrics, essays, translations of classical texts) is available at his WORKS page.


Works  of interest to classicists and composers 

The Music of Ancient Greeks    an approach to the original singing of the Homeric epics and the lyrical poetry of the 8th-5th century B.C.

MUSIC and RELIGION (extant ancient Greek religious songs, Byzantine chant, Gregorian chant, Quranic chant)


Works  of interest to poets and lyricists Ancient Greek epic and lyrical poems translated into English by Ioannidis  (The original Greek texts are also available on the same page) 


Works  of interest to music performers

Instrumental performance:12-string Guitar Works (12 string classical guitar)

Vocal performance: MUSIC and RELIGION (including some tracks with performance of ancient Greek instruments)

Visit also the page: ANCIENT GREEK INSTRUMENTS with information about ancient stringed instruments and replicas of some of them


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